Friday, June 22, 2012

[Pictures] How to Ripen Bananas on the Stalk?

The art of harvesting your own homegrown bananas is in recognizing when then time is right to cut the stalk. Harvesting green bananas too soon produces fruits of smaller size and inferior flavor with a slower ripening time. Cut the stalk when the ridges on each banana of the last bunch of fruit become flatter and rounded, indicating that...
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Friday, June 15, 2012

Bananas Nutrition - Fiber in bananas

We all know that high fibre foods help keep you regular and prevent constipation, as well as protecting your intestines from diverticula disease and haemorrhoids. Virtually all studies of diet and bowel cancer show a lower risk in those eating the most fruit and vegetables (9 p255). Sadly, only one in four adults is getting enough fibre...
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Bananas Nutrition - Carbohydrate

Foods comprise protein, fat and carbohydrate. It is the carbohydrate part of food that gets digested and absorbed as glucose, a type of sugar. This glucose is stored in the liver and muscles to be used as an energy source, especially for muscle contraction during sport, exercise and daily chores. That is why the banana is such a favourite...
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Bananas Nutrition - The B group of vitamins

The B group of vitamins have a critical role in energy metabolism and are involved in many enzyme processes. For example niacin is needed for muscle energy production and folate is needed for the making of new cells such as red blood cells (1 p 188).  Bananas contain the essential B group vitamins thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic...
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Banana's Nutriton - Antioxidants

Antioxidants are believed to be playing a role in reducing the risk of succumbing to early disease, such as heart disease, and some cancers (1).  It is thought that antioxidants absorb and neutralise dangerous free-radicals, factors that seem to cause the body to ‘oxidise’, or age, quickly. Although the body produces antioxidants...
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Saturday, June 9, 2012

[Banana Facts] How To Ripening Bananas???

Bananas are transported at around 15 degrees Celsius to maintain their “hard green” status en route to the warehouses and ripening facilities.  Once the bananas have passed the quality assurance process, they then go into a ripening room for conditioning to a customers’ specific colour requirement.  Banana cartons are stacked...
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[Packing] How to paking bananas ?

Bananas were originally marketed in bunches and the leaves were used as padding to minimise the marking and bruising in transit to markets. In the early 1900s wood cases were introduced, with all of the bananas packed as single fingers, and weighing around 45 kgs. Eventually the wooden crates were replaced by the cardboard cartons we still...
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[Picking] Harvesting a banana crop

Harvesting a banana crop is the perfect job if you like working outdoors, enjoy physical work and don’t mind getting very wet, very often, during the wet season from November to March. During the dry season from April to October the weather for pickers is much better.  Picking crews of around 4-6 strong fit people, take a tractor,...
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Banana Trivia -Bananas have a curious way of capturing everyone’s imagination...

Bananas have a curious way of capturing everyone’s imagination. They can really play on your mind if you have a sense of humour, a bent for the extraordinary or a passion for trivia. This is the section to delve into for all those weird and wonderful facts about bananas, fun stories from around the world. In the United States town of Council...
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