Wednesday, March 26, 2014

[Banana Recipes] How to make Mini Chocolate Banana Cakes?

How to make Mini Chocolate Banana Cakes, Mini Chocolate Banana Cakes, Banana Cakes, Banana Recipes, Benefits of Banana, Banana cake nutrition
A nice recipe to recycle overripe bananas that you may have forgotten in the pantry! These mini chocolate and banana cakes are made in two steps: first, make the chocolate cake which will serve as a base. Then we will caramelize banana slices to make the topping. Here we go!
3 ripe bananas
1 cup (180g) caster sugar
1 cup (160g) of rice flour (or 180g of wheat flour for non-tolerant)
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 eggs
3 tbsp olive oil 1/4 cup (60ml) milk
3 1/2 (100g) melted dark chocolate
2 3/4 (80g) chopped walnuts
For the chocolate cake base 
1. Preheat oven to 360°F (180°C).
2. Mash 2 bananas (the most ripe) and sugar with a fork. Add the flour, baking powder, eggs, oil, and finally the milk. Finally, add chocolate and nuts.
3. Pour into a silicone mold or a buttered cake pan and bake for 30-35 minutes (with conventional wheat flour, allow 45 – 50 min as cooking time is longer). Check for doneness with a knife planted in the heart of the cake; it should come out clean. Leave to cool before unmolding.
 For the small banana bites: 
1. Cut slices of the third banana (not too ripe this time). Make them quite thick.
 2. Melt butter and sugar in a pan and add the banana slices. Let them brown, turning until they get caramelized.
3. Cut slices of the chocolate cake and punch with a cookie cutter or a glass of the same diameter as the topping caramelized banana. Stack a caramelized banana slice on each chocolate slice cake, hold everything with a pike. Your mini chocolate and banana cakes are ready!
How to make Mini Chocolate Banana Cakes, Mini Chocolate Banana Cakes, Banana Cakes, Banana Recipes, Benefits of Banana, Banana cake nutrition

How to make Mini Chocolate Banana Cakes, Mini Chocolate Banana Cakes, Banana Cakes, Banana Recipes, Benefits of Banana, Banana cake nutrition

How to make Mini Chocolate Banana Cakes, Mini Chocolate Banana Cakes, Banana Cakes, Banana Recipes, Benefits of Banana, Banana cake nutrition

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